OLX India onboarded Kapil Sharma, India’s most popular mainstream comic artist as brand ambassador to build brand affinity with his massive following using digital content.

    Business objective behind this campaign was to reinforce the usage of OLX amongst customers at different phases of their lives where selling unwanted goods is a possibility.

    Campaign Strategy

    Consumer insights at the center of campaign theme and launch timing.
    Creative approach leveraging the brand ambassador's popular avtar.
    Media approach used best practices of distribution on YouTube & Facebook.

    Selling of used goods is extremely relevant at every life-stage change like moving from school to college, college to first job, wedding etc.

    Wedding related searches peak in April & May, which was the campaign launch timeline.


    Creative Approach

    • Shareable & contextual digital content using wedding as the theme
    • Leverage viral nature of humour as a genre using rising popularity of Kapil Sharma
    • Create 3 videos having high relevancy for the brand – Just Married with unwanted wedding gifts; After Marriage with used-less wedding accessories; After Kids with old accessories of kids

    Media Approach

    • Usage of annotations & playlist leading to a click through of 19% to the sequential video. This had 15% contribution to overall YouTube views organically.
    • Leveraged YouTube tag optimizations to ride on popularity of Kapil Sharma & related content
    • Targeted In-display & In-search campaigns using trending YouTube videos.These campaigns had even higher viewer retention than organic viewers.


    • 16% WoW increase in business metrics
    • 5% increase in organic app downloads
    • 1.7 Mn+ views, 53 K+ likes, 5 K+ shares, 11:1 like to dislike ratio(combined data from YouTube & Facebook)
    • 45% organic views compared to industry benchmark of under 10% as per YouTube
    • Growth on Google trends at country level, driven by Hindi speaking regions targeted for this campaign
    • Significant increase of 12% in brand salience amongst non-category users
    • 16% increase in purchase intent among competition users


    Ankit helped in bringing a strong digital, tech and data driven culture at Emaar. His launch strategy for marketing campaigns proved to be very effective in driving business growth.
    Rami El Tawil Solvetude
    Rami El Tawil
    Chief Marketing Officer, EMAAR
    Ankit is extremely knowledgeable when it comes to performance marketing/acquisition. Despite the time difference, it was very easy to collaborate with him on global projects.
    Amandine Aman
    Head of Global Marketing Alignment at UBER
    Ankit is responsible for setting up the entire digital marketing discipline for OLX South Asia. He took a data centric approach towards going to market and was equally adapt with the creative aspects of digital marketing.
    Gaurav Mehta
    CMO at OLX South Asia

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